Beau Monde Dental Care
35 North View, Westbury Park
Bristol BS6 7PY
Call today 0117 330 3495
Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry in bristol

Local cosmetic dentists in Bristol

Cosmetic dentistry is a term that is used to describe procedures that are aimed not only at improving the function of a patient's teeth, but their appearance too. Some of these procedures, such as a tooth coloured filling, for example, perform both functions, strengthening the teeth whilst also ensuring that the filling is the same colour as the rest of the tooth, and not the darker 'metal' coloured amalgam fillings that so many of us are used to.

Other cosmetic dental procedures, such as tooth whitening, focus entirely on the aesthetics of the teeth helping the patient to feel confident about smiling once more.

Overall then, cosmetic dentistry, as a primary aim, works to improve the way that you look and improve your smile to its maximum potential. At Beau Monde Dental Care, we offer a number of these procedures which are briefly described below.

Tooth Whitening

Using either a full in-house treatment or one that can be done at home plus one visit to our Bristol practice, a teeth whitening procedure works by lightening the colour of the molecules within a patient's teeth. This cannot be achieved by conventional brushing and therefore professional whitening is the only successful way to have significantly whiter teeth. The procedure is fast, taking around one hour.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers can be thought of as a 'false fingernail' for teeth. They are in fact, a very fine layer of porcelain which is placed onto the front of a patients teeth, following the removal of the equivalent thickness from the front surface.

Veneers are used on the front teeth and are not appropriate on the rear teeth due to the stronger chewing pressures which would cause the veneer to 'pop' off. They can be used for whitening a patient's teeth if they are too badly stained for a whitening procedure to be truly effective and are also excellent for those who have cracked or chipped teeth. In some instances too, they can be used to close a gap between the front teeth.

Dental Crowns

When a tooth is badly damaged, it may not be viable to simply fill it as this would cause the tooth to be weak. In cases like this, a dental crown is often used. To do this procedure, the dentist will prepare the damaged tooth into a shape ready for a crown. Impressions will then be taken and sent to a dental laboratory where the crown will be made. Once the crown is back at our practice, we will contact you and the crown can then be fitted, using a dental cement, to hold it firmly in place.

Tooth Coloured Fillings

Whilst amalgam fillings offer the benefit of strength, there is little doubt that they are unsightly. Whilst, in the past, tooth coloured fillings were available, they were deemed to offer insufficient strength. Modern tooth coloured fillings however, are almost equal in strength to amalgam and can now be used even on the rear teeth in many cases. In some cases, an inlay, or onlay, may be used instead of a filling and these, like crowns, are produced by a dental laboratory to ensure a perfect fit.


Dental bonding is an excellent way to fill minor chips and cracks in a patient's teeth. The mixture is made from a composite resin and, once in position on the teeth, is hardened using a special light.

If you would like to improve your smile and are not sure which of these would be of most benefit to you, why not contact us on
0117 330 3495
and arrange a consultation with one of the cosmetic dentists at our Bristol practice.

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